## What is this ? Automation tool for POSTING your [Netflix](https://www.netflix.com) invoice to [Leeto](https://leeto.co) ## Requirements * Docker * An instance of [Url to PDF](https://github.com/alvarcarto/url-to-pdf-api) to convert html invoice to PDF ## Usage 1. `cd node_red_data` 1. `npm install` 1. `docker run -it -p 1880:1880 -v $PWD/node_red_data:/data nodered/node-red` 1. You need to provide credentials for * `url-to-pdf-api Credentials` * `url` example `https://url-to-pdf-api.herokuapp.com/api/render` * `apiToken` for Url to PDF if needed * `Netflix Credentials` Netflix * `netflixId` get the value from cookies in a web browser ( through the inspector ) * `secureNetflixId` get the value from cookies in a web browser ( through the inspector ) * `Leeto Credentials` [Leeto](https://app.leeto.co/) * `login` is an email * `password` ## TODO * Add an automation cron * Deploy to cloud something * Multi-user (webui maybe ?) * Better handling error * Netflix login (can be a pain in the ass) * Trigger on the good invoice date of Netflix once a month * Implement other invoice types like Spotify