/* Apply matchHeight to match team grid */ /* global jQuery */ /* global wp */ function hestiaMatchHeight() { 'use strict'; var in_customizer = false; // check for wp.customize return boolean if ( typeof wp !== 'undefined' ) { in_customizer = typeof wp.customize !== 'undefined'; } // if you're in the customizer do this if ( in_customizer ) { return; } var byRow = jQuery('body').hasClass('home'); if (typeof jQuery('#features') !== 'undefined') { jQuery('.hestia-features .row .col-md-4, .features .row .col-md-4').matchHeight(byRow); } if (typeof jQuery('#products') !== 'undefined') { jQuery('.products .row .col-md-3, .products .row .col-sm-6').matchHeight(byRow); } if (typeof jQuery('#portfolio') !== 'undefined') { jQuery('.hestia-work .row .col-md-4, .work .row .col-md-4, .hestia-work .row .col-md-6, .work .row .col-md-6').matchHeight(byRow); } if (typeof jQuery('#team') !== 'undefined') { jQuery('.hestia-team .row .col-md-6, .team .row .col-md-6').matchHeight(byRow); } if (typeof jQuery('#testimonials') !== 'undefined') { jQuery('.hestia-testimonials .row .col-md-4, .testimonials .row .col-md-4').matchHeight(byRow); } if (typeof jQuery('#pricing') !== 'undefined') { jQuery('.pricing .row .col-md-7 .col-md-6').matchHeight(byRow); } if (typeof jQuery('#blog') !== 'undefined') { jQuery('.hestia-blogs .row .col-md-4, .blogs .row .col-md-4').matchHeight(byRow); } }