# Cupper [![Netlify Status](https://api.netlify.com/api/v1/badges/bc8c4e51-37ee-419d-ad4f-b378010ee546/deploy-status)](https://app.netlify.com/sites/cupper-hugo-theme/deploys) An accessibility-friendly Hugo theme, ported from the [original Cupper](https://github.com/ThePacielloGroup/cupper) project. ## Table of contents TODO generate ## Demo https://cupper-hugo-theme.netlify.com/ ## Installation From the root of your site: ``` git submodule add https://github.com/zwbetz-gh/cupper-hugo-theme.git themes/cupper-hugo-theme ``` ## Updating From the root of your site: ``` git submodule update --remote --merge ``` ## Run example site From the root of `themes/cupper-hugo-theme/exampleSite`: ``` hugo server --themesDir ../.. ``` ## Configuration Copy the `config.toml` or `config.yaml` TODO from the `exampleSite` TODO, then edit as desired. ## Favicons TODO link RealFaviconGenerator and give steps ## Shortcodes TODO list em ## Credits Thank you to: - [Heydon Pickering](http://www.heydonworks.com) for creating the original Cupper project - [Netlify](https://www.netlify.com/) for deploys