+++ title = "Including images" +++ From time to time, you'll be wanting to include images illustrating the documented pattern in hand. Images live in the static folder, which is a sibling of the `/content` folder you'll be mostly working in. ``` ├── content └── static └── images ├── logo.png └── menu-button.gif ``` {{% note %}} When you first make a copy of **Infusion**, **Infusion's** own logo will be included. You should replace this with your own company or project logo. {{% /note %}} The path to the `/images` folder should begin with a forward slash, so include that when referencing images in your markdown. ``` ![Global Megacorp Ltd](/images/logo.png) ``` ## Figures Sometimes you will want to include a caption with your illustration. This is what the `
` and `
` elements are for. However, **Infusion** doesn't ask you to code all that manually. A special shortcode is provided, which takes a `caption` parameter. Note that the image markdown is provided between the opening and closing shortcode tags: {{}} {{% figure caption="Steve Faulkner works for The Paciello Group" %}} ![Steve Faulkner's face](/images/steve_faulkner.jpg) {{% /figure %}} {{}} This will output the following. Note the automatically incremented **Figure** number. {{% figure caption="Steve Faulkner works for The Paciello Group" %}} ![Steve Faulkner's face](/images/steve_faulkner.jpg) {{% /figure %}} The generated markup includes special provisions for assistive technology support: ```html

Steve Faulkner's face

Steve Faulkner works for The Paciello Group