+++ title = "Serving" weight = 3 +++ ## Serving locally While you're creating content for your project, you'll probably want to see what the finished product looks like. Fortunately, **Infusion** is easy to serve locally using the `serve` command: {{}}npm run serve{{}} This will serve your working project from `localhost:1313`. Whenever you make changes to your files, the site will automatically rebuild. No need to refresh the web page! ## Publishing on Github Pages **Infusion** creates a `/docs` folder containing the latest version of your site whenever you do an `npm run build` or a `git commit`. So long as you forked the **Infusion** repository when making your own version (see {{% pattern "Setup" %}}), whenever you push to master, you will also be updating the site found at your Github Pages URL. This URL will be in the following format: ``` [your user name].github.io/[your library repo name] ``` You'll also need to add this value to your `config.toml` file as the `baseURL`. For **Infusion**'s own documentation it looks like the following. Just overwrite it. ``` baseURL = "https://thepaciellogroup.github.io/infusion/" ``` ### Set the publishing source You will find the `docs` folder is not automatically setup as the publishing source, even when forking the repo. In which case, you must set it under **Settings → Github Pages → Source** in the web interface. ![The publishing source dropdown menu on Github](/images/serve_from_docs.png)