Coding on Infusion Recent content in Coding on Infusion Hugo -- en-us Code blocks Mon, 01 Jan 0001 00:00:00 +0000 Markdown already supports code samples both inline (using single backticks like `some code here`) and in blocks. Infusion will syntax highlight HTML, CSS, and JavaScript if you provide the correct language in the formulation of the block. So, this… ```html <button aria-pressed="false"toggle me</button ``` … will result in this: <button aria-pressed="false">toggle me</button> Note that the syntax highlighting uses a greyscale theme. Infusion is careful not to use color as part of its own design, because these colors may clash with those of the design being illustrated and discussed. CodePen embedding Mon, 01 Jan 0001 00:00:00 +0000 Sometimes just pictures of the pattern you’re documenting aren’t enough. Interactive patterns benefit from live demos, so that readers can test their functionality. Infusion offers a couple of ways to do this. The first is by embedding CodePen demos into the content. The codePen shortcode takes just one argument: the codePen’s ID. {{% codePen VpVNKW %}} This will embed the identified codePen into the content wherever you placed the shortcode, with the result view showing by default: Writing inline demos Mon, 01 Jan 0001 00:00:00 +0000 There are some issues with CodePen embedding, like them not working offline. They also come with CodePen branding, which will clash with the pattern you’re trying to illustrate. Infusion offers another option: a special demo shortcode that allows you to write HTML, CSS, and JavaScript directly into the markdown file. The outputted demo is encapsulated using Shadow DOM, so you don’t have to worry about broken styles and global JS. Color palettes Mon, 01 Jan 0001 00:00:00 +0000 There’s no reason why your Infusion-powered pattern library has to be all about functionality. You can include style guide-like information such as color palettes too. The colors shortcode makes it easy to exhibit colors and their values together. Just supply a comma-separated list of CSS color values. {{% colors "#111111, #cccccc, #ffffff" %}} The result is a one row strip showing each color supplied in order. The colors for Infusion are greyscale: Tested using... Mon, 01 Jan 0001 00:00:00 +0000 When you’re an inclusive designer, it’s pertinent to do some testing. Following specs is one thing, but you need to verify that your component works okay for users. Infusion provided a tested shortcode that let’s you show which browsers and assistive technologies you’ve tried your design out in. Here’s an example. Note the commas and “+” signs. {{% tested using="Firefox Android + NVDA, Chrome, Safari iOS + Voiceover, Edge" %}} This outputs: