baseURL: languageCode: en-us defaultContentLanguage: en title: Cupper theme: cupper-hugo-theme googleAnalytics: UA-123456789-1 taxonomies: tag: tags permalinks: post: /:filename/ imaging: quality: 99 params: description: An accessibility-friendly Hugo theme, ported from the [original Cupper]( project. homeMetaContent: An accessibility-friendly Hugo theme, ported from the original Cupper project. footer: Made with [Hugo]( Themed by [Cupper]( Deployed to [Netlify]( # For more date formats see dateFormat: Jan 2, 2006 codePenUser: someUser menu: nav: - name: Home url: / weight: 1 - name: Blog url: /post/ weight: 2 - name: Tags url: /tags/ weight: 3 - name: About url: /about/ weight: 4 - name: RSS url: /index.xml weight: 5