+++ title = "Serving" +++ ## Serving locally While you're creating content for your library, you'll probably want to see what the finished product looks like. Fortunately, **Infusion** is easy to serve locally using the `serve` command: {{}}npm run serve{{}} This will serve your working library on `localhost:1313`. Whenever you make changes to your library's files, the site will automatically rebuild. No need to refresh the web page! ## Publishing on Github Pages The easiest way to host your pattern library so you have a link to share is to run the `host` command. This will build the library and push it to the local Github repository's `gh-pages` branch. {{}}npm run host{{}} You should now be able to find a "live" version of your library at `github.io/[your username]/[your library repo' name]`. {{% warning %}} The `host` command *force* pushes the contents of the `public` folder to `gh-pages`. This is not in itself problematic since nothing is overwritten on the `master` branch. However, be aware that the command does not push your `master` branch changes to origin. You still have to commit and push any changes you've made locally. {{% /warning %}}