# How to pivot_root 1. Stop all uneeded services `systemctl isolate rescue-ssh.target` 1. Create the new / on ramdisk `mkdir /tmp/tmproot && mount none /tmp/tmproot -t tmpfs` 1. Create all the base directories `mkdir /tmp/tmproot/{proc,sys,usr,var,run,oldroot,root}` 1. Copy the base symlink `cp -ax /{bin,etc,mnt,sbin,lib} /tmp/tmproot/` 1. Copy /dev `cp -a /dev /tmp/tmproot/dev` 1. Copy the libs for services `lsof -Fn / | grep ^n/ | cut -c2- | sort -u | grep /usr | rsync --files-from=- / /tmp/tmproot/` 1. Copy other libs and binaries needed `ldd /usr/bin/{wget,gzip,dd,mount,ls,cp,cat} | grep -o '/lib[^ ]*' | sed 's/^/\/usr/' | xargs -n1 readlink -f | rsync -v --files-from=- / /tmp/tmproot/` `ldd /usr/bin/{wget,gzip,dd,mount,ls,cp,cat} | grep -o '/lib[^ ]*' | sed 's/^/\/usr/' | rsync -lv --files-from=- / /tmp/tmproot/` `rsync -v /usr/bin/{wget,gzip,dd,mount,ls,cp,cat} /tmp/tmproot/usr/bin/` systemctl switch-root /tmp/tmproot/ ## OLLLD WAY NOT WORKING ANYMORE `unshare -m` `pivot_root /tmp/tmproot/ /tmp/tmproot/oldroot` `mount none /proc -t proc` `mount none /sys -t sysfs` `mount none /dev/pts -t devpts` `wget -O - https://github.com/YunoHost/arm-images/releases/download/v2020.10/internetcube_4.0.8_v2020.10_lime2.img.gz | gzip -cd | dd iflag=fullblock bs=1M oflag=direct status=progress of=/dev/mmcblk0`