<description>Before you can set about documenting patterns, you need to know where everything goes. The simplest folder structure looks like this:
└── content ├── _index.md └── patterns ├── name-of-my-pattern.md └── name-of-my-other-pattern.md /content - This is where all of your content lives. You won&rsquo;t need to visit any other folders very frequently. _index.md — This is the content for your home page. /patterns — This is the folder where individual pattern files are kept.</description>
<description>In Infusion, design patterns are documented using markdown. To create a new pattern file, just add a file with the .md extension to the /patterns folder. It&rsquo;s recommended you use &ldquo;kebab case&rdquo; to name the file ( words separated by hyphens). For example, a pattern with the title &ldquo;Menu button&rdquo; should probably have the filename menu-button. Then you get a nice clean URL: your-company.com/patterns/menu-button.
If you&rsquo;re not familiar with writing markdown, there are a number of tutorials available.</description>
<description>In some cases, where there is a lot of content, it&rsquo;s helpful to collapse certain sections. That way, readers get an overview of what&rsquo;s in the content and can choose where to focus in. Infusion provides a shortcode method for creating expandable sections which generates accessible markup using aria-expanded.
The expandable shortcode takes three parameters:
label — This is the label for the the section heading. level — This is the heading level (e.</description>
<description>From time to time, you&rsquo;ll be wanting to include images illustrating the documented pattern in hand. Images live in the static folder, which is a sibling of the /content folder you&rsquo;ll be mostly working in.
├── content └── static └── images ├── logo.png └── menu-button.gif When you first make a copy of Infusion, Infusion&rsquo;s own logo will be included. You should replace this with your own company or project logo.</description>
<description>Infusion acknowledges that simple markdown is limiting when it comes to writing compelling documentation, so it provides a number of &ldquo;shortcodes&rdquo;. Shortcodes offer a simple syntax for including rich content. For example, Infusion provides shortcodes for including notes and warnings.
Notes You may wish to pick out some content in your pattern&rsquo;s documentation as a note — an aside to the main thrust of the pattern&rsquo;s description. This is possible using the following syntax:</description>
<description>Cross-references Infusion provides an easy mechanism to cross-reference patterns, by title, using the pattern shortcode. For example, I can reference the Notes &amp; warnings pattern. Here&rsquo;s what the markdown looks like, including the shortcode:
I can reference the &#x7b;{% pattern "Notes & warnings" %}} pattern here. This saves you having to worry about pathing and decorates the generated link with a bookmark icon, identifying the link as a pattern reference visually.</description>