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title: "Add Archivarix archives to Hugo"
2022-12-21 23:26:50 +01:00
date: 2022-12-18T18:27:04+01:00
tags: ["this blog","Archivarix", "gohugo"]
I want to add all my old articles to the Hugo posts list page.
Let's write some code.
* I can use the Archivarix sitemap as source
* Or I can use the sqlite database as source
* I want to add all the canonical pages to the list
* Sorted by reverse date of publication
* With the title
First, I discover that GoHugo handle override over files, if you have a file
in `/themes/<THEME>/static/js/jquery.min.js`, you can override it with a
file in `/static/js/jquery.min.js`. So I think I don't need a custom
theme, so let's remove that.
## Proof of concept with a sitemap
1. First I change the `index.php` and add a sitemap path to enable
sitemap generation in Archivarix loader.
1. Generate a sitemap `wget http://localhost:8080/sitemap.xml`
1. Then I discover sitemap doesn't have title in specification so it's a
dead end.
1. Place `sitemap.xml` in `/data/legacyblog/sitemap.xml`
1. Let's poc the change in our Hugo theme in `layouts/_default/list.html`
# Will load the file and parse it
{{ range $.Site.Data.legacyblog.sitemap.url }}
<a href="{{ .loc }}">
viewBox="0 0 40 50"
<use href="#bookmark"></use>
{{ .loc }}
{{ end }}
I will not use this solution we can't have title with it.
## Proof of concept with webcrawl csv file
Some times ago, I develop a [little web crawler or spider]( that can list
all the urls and robot metadatas for a given website.
1. `npm install -g hugopoi-webcrawler`
1. `hugopoi-webcrawler http://localhost:8080 --progress` will create a file called `localhost_urls.csv`
"http://localhost:8080/",200,"HugoPoi Internet, Hardware et Bidouille","max-image-preview:large",,"fr-FR",
"http://localhost:8080/v2/",200,"HugoPoi Blog",,"http://localhost:1313/v2/","en","http://localhost:8080/"
"http://localhost:8080/en/",200,"How to decrypt flows_cred.json from NodeRED data ? HugoPoi","max-image-preview:large","http://localhost:8080/en/2021/12/28/how-to-decrypt-flows_cred-json-from-nodered-data/","en-US","http://localhost:8080/"
1. Then we put this file outside of data directory as mention in the
documentation of Hugo
1. Mod the template with CSV parse function
<!-- Loop against csv lines -->
{{ range $i,$line := getCSV "," "./localhost_urls.csv" }}
<!-- Fill variables with columns -->
{{ $url := index $line 0 }}
{{ $title := index $line 2 }}
<!-- Skip csv head line and replytocom wordpress urls -->
{{ if and (ne $i 0) (eq (len (findRE `replytocom` $url 1)) 0)}}
<a href="{{ $url }}">
viewBox="0 0 40 50"
<use href="#bookmark"></use>
{{ $title }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
This solution is promising.
{{< figureCupper
img="Screenshot 2022-12-05 at 19-46-57 Posts HugoPoi Blog.png"
caption="Blog page with legacy articles poc with empty titles"
options="1024x500 Bottom" >}}
## Refining the webcrawler and the theme mod
* Let's use JSON file instead of csv
* Filter only articles urls and order them by dates
First I add `--output-format json` option to my webcrawler.
<pre data-src="" data-range="50,60" class="line-numbers"></pre>
The usage become :
hugopoi-webcrawler --output-format json --progress
> crawled 499 urls. average speed: 37.32 urls/s, totalTime: 13s
Now we can handle the data with `jq '. | length' blog.hugopoi.net_urls.json`
Now let's filter this file and order it.
* Remove replytocom duplicate urls and response error urls without title
`jq '. | map(select((.metas.title != null) and (.url | test("\\?replytocom") == false))) | .[].url' blog.hugopoi.net_urls.json`
* Select only urls that contains a date pattern, because my wordpress
urls were built with `/YYYY/MM/DD/THE_TITLE` pattern.
`jq '. | map(select((.metas.title != null) and (.url | test("(\\?replytocom|^") == false) and (.url | test("/[0-9]{4}/[0-9]{2}/[0-9]{2}/[^/]+/$")))) | sort_by(.url) | reverse' blog.hugopoi.net_urls.json > blog.hugopoi.net_urls.filtered.json`
* Remove ` HugoPoi` from the titles
`jq '. | map(.metas.title |= sub(" HugoPoi"; "")) | .[].metas.title' blog.hugopoi.net_urls.filtered.json`
Now we have a proper [urls data source](
<pre data-src="" data-range="1,32" class="line-numbers"></pre>
## Override the Hugo Theme layout
We now have a `data/LegacyBlogUrls.json` file with all urls I want to
put in the blog posts index page.
I copied the original `themes/cupper-hugo-theme/layouts/_default/list.html` to `layouts/_default/list.html`.
<pre data-src="" data-range="30,48" class="line-numbers"></pre>
{{< figureCupper
img="Screenshot from 2022-12-18 20-13-35.png"
caption="Blog page with legacy articles final version"
options="1024x500" >}}