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+++ title = "Serving" +++

Serving locally

While you're creating content for your library, you'll probably want to see what the finished product looks like. Fortunately, Infusion is easy to serve locally using the serve command:

{{}}npm run serve{{}}

This will serve your working library on localhost:1313. Whenever you make changes to your library's files, the site will automatically rebuild. No need to refresh the web page!

Publishing on Github Pages

The easiest way to host your pattern library so you have a link to share is to run the host command. This will build the library and push it to the local Github repository's gh-pages branch. Before you can use host you will need to commit any changes you made on the master branch. Otherwise there's nothing new to push over to the gh-pages branch.

{{}}git commit -am "my commit message"{{}}

This will ensure changes go through to gh-pages. Now you can run:

{{}}npm run host{{}}

You should now be able to find a "live" version of your library at[your username]/[your library repo name].