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+++ title = "Installation" weight = 1 +++

Cupper is built using the static site engine, Hugo, and NPM. The codebase is available to download on Github. Let's get everything installed step-by-step.

Install Hugo

First you need to install Hugo globally.

OSX users

If you are a Mac user and have Homebrew on your system, installing Hugo is simple:

{{}}brew install hugo{{}}

Alternatively, you can manually install Hugo from a package. You can verify the installation was successful by typing:

{{}}hugo version{{}}

Windows users

Installing on Windows is a little more involved than on OSX. The authors of Hugo provide a guide with instructions for technical and less technical users.

It's also best you install a Windows Subsystem for running Linux, and therefore bash (Cupper incorporates some bash commands in its scripts). Microsoft offer a complete guide.

Install Node & NPM

It is likely you already have Node and NPM installed on your system. If so, you can skip this step. Otherwise, refer to NPM's own guide, which includes a video tutorial.

Get the files

Cupper is hosted on Github. To start using it, you'll need to get the files from there. If you are comfortable with the command line, just fork the repository, then do a git clone to your local system. Replace [your username] in the following:

{{}}git clone[your username]/cupper.git{{}}

If the command line is not your thing, use Github's web interface to fork and choose Open in Desktop from Clone or download (see figure 1, below).

{{% figure caption="The Github web interface" %}} The open in desktop option, revealed when clicking clone or download {{% /figure %}}

{{% note %}} If you do not have a version of the Github desktop client installed, follow the prompts after clicking Open in Desktop. {{% /note %}}

While you're in the Github interface, you might as well set up the publishing source for the live site. Choose the Master branch/docs option under Settings → Github Pages → Source. See {{% pattern "Serving" %}} for more details.

Once you have your local copy of the files, move to the root of that folder and in your terminal run an npm installation:

{{}}npm install{{}}

Now it's time to consult the {{% pattern "Setup" %}} pattern.